Linux problems
Been using Ubuntu for the last couple of months. First installed Ubuntu, which was just too slow. Then I tried Kubuntu, which didn't work at all (problems with graphics). I now have Xubuntu, which ran ok... after uninstalling OpenOffice and not using Firefox at all... Installed IceWN and Fluxbox, of which Fluxbox seems to be the faster on my system. Nevertheless, I ended up having to download Opera (not free), as Firefox is just too slow. Someone really needs to make a good light web browser; yes, I've tried Links and Dillo, but they're far from complete. Why don't they have a lite version of Firefox? I only need to be able to view web pages: I don't need fancy password managers, text completion etc.
Even with my tweaks Linux is too slow on my computer, so I have to do all programming in XP. Been progressing in my Lua studies, and I'm already incorporating Lua scripting into my main project. I really like Lua's easy syntax for complicated tasks, such as passing a variable number of values returned from a function directly as parameters of another function.
Note to self: download Fluxbuntu and see how it differs from my Xubuntu-with-Fluxbox.
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